2024 Local Elections

Coventry Green Party

Coventry City Local Elections 2024

Our Green Party candidates have stood in 14 Coventry City Council wards in this year’s Local Elections and Bi-elections:

All Coventry Green Councillors are pursuing our Coventry Green New Deal and the priorities outlined in our Coventry Green Party Manifesto.

Bablake – Niall Webb

person 2

Niall stood again for the Green Party in the Bablake ward on 2 May 2024, receiving 292 votes coming 4th.

Niall Webb also stood as the Green Party candidate for Bablake in the 2023 local election.

Binley & Willenhall – no candidate

Coventry Green Party did not stand a candidate for the Binley & Willenhall ward in the local election on 2 May 2024.

The Green Party candidate for the Binley & Willenhall ward in the 2022 local election received 232 votes.

Binley & Willenhall ward map

Cheylesmore – Bruce Tetlow

Bruce Tetlow

Bruce Tetlow stood again for the Green Party in the Cheylesmore ward in the 2024 local election, coming 3rd with 282 votes. In the 2023 local election he received 263 votes and came 3rd.

Bruce says: “A Canadian by birth and upbringing, my family and I moved up to Coventry from London nearly 20 years ago and I’ve worked as a free-lance performing arts teacher and performance maker as well as working with the Belgrade Theatre access department, providing Audio Description for patrons living with a visual impairment. Despite not being interested in politics for most of my life, I joined the green party a few years ago when I realised that people and businesses couldn’t lead the way in the fight to save the environment, and that it is a government’s fundamental responsibility to do so. I like to keep fit by doing yoga or walking my two dogs but I am most passionate about creative expression in the community and keeping the hopes and dreams of the Coventry City of Culture 2021 alive for the next 10 years at least.”

Earlsdon – no candidate

Coventry Green Party did not field a candidate for the Earlsdon ward in the local election on 2 May 2024.

The Green Party candidate for this ward in the May 2023 local election received 350 votes, and in the October 2023 by-election they received 193 votes.

Earlsdon Ward

Foleshill – no candidate

Coventry Green Party did not stand a candidate for the Foleshill ward in the local election on 2 May 2024.

Foleshill ward

Henley – Cathy Wattebot

Cathy Wattebot

Cathy Wattebot stood as the Green Party candidate in the Henley ward this year, gaining 247 votes and took 3rd place. She stood as the Green Party candidate for this ward in the 2023 election and came 3rd with 279 votes.

Cathy says: “I have lived and worked in Coventry for a number of years in computing and teaching. We need to protect our green spaces and promote energy efficient housing. Safer routes in the city will encourage cycling, walking and public transport to help reduce damage to our climate and improve air quality.”

Holbrook – Gareth Lloyd, Esther Reeves & Stephen Gray

Gareth Lloyd

Gareth Lloyd stood as the Green Party candidate in the Holbrook ward on 2 May 2024 local election. He received 1,234 votes and came in 2nd place with 31% of the valid ballots.

Gareth says, “Born and bred with the spirit of Coventry at heart, I’ve spent the majority of my life within this vibrant and historic city which has shaped my identity. It is my belief that true change, impactful and lasting, can only be achieved through a collective, environmentally conscious effort through the Green Party, a political force which possesses the vision and integrity to make a significant difference in our society. My passion for the environment is more than just a political stance; it’s a way of life: conserving and nurturing our green spaces as essential components of our ecosystem and heritage. My vision for both Holbrooks and Coventry is of a community which is both fairer and greener. Beyond my interests in politics, I also enjoy: philosophy, cricket and football.”

Cllr Esther Reeves won a seat as the Green Party councillor for the Holbrook ward in the 2023 local election with 1,566 votes.

Cllr Stephen Gray won the first Green seat on Coventry City Council in the 2022 local election with 2,105 votes, and continues to serve with Esther in the Holbrook ward.

Stephen Gray & Esther Reeves

Longford – Rachel Ward

Rachel ward

Rachel Ward was fielded as the Green Party candidate for the Longford ward in the local election on 2 May 2024, and came 3rd with 284 votes.

Rachel says: “I joined the Green Party because they are serious about addressing both the environmental and economic issues, which I believe impact all of us. We urgently and seriously need to address climate change which increasingly is impacting our Earth. Along with this, we need economic justice and much greater wealth equalty. Within our community in Coventry, I’d love to address pollution, starting with cleaning up our city; addressing litter and fly-tipping particularly the dumping of large household items on our streets. Affordable housing is a major issue for many people; I would like to see schemes which actively support our citizens access energy efficient, healthy and safe housing.”

Our Green Party candidate for the Longford ward in the 2023 local election came 3rd with 228 votes, and 295 votes in 2022.

Lower Stoke – Tom Jewell

Tom Jewell

Tom Jewell stood as the Green Party candidate for the Lower Stoke ward in this May 2024 local election, getting 357 votes and coming 3rd. As our candidate for the 2023 election here, he received 335 votes in 3rd place.

Our candidate in the 2022 local election received 400 votes.

Tom is now standing for the St Michael’s ward in the 10 October 2024 bi-election.

Radford – Julie Spriddle

Julie Spriddle

Julie Spriddle stood as the Green Party candidate for the Radford ward on 20 June. She came 3rd with 8% of the vote. She stood for Radford in the 2023 local election and came 3rd with 266 votes. Julie says,
“I have lived in Coventry since 1998 and joined the Green Party in 2014. As a parent, I am passionate about education, ensuring that children have access to green spaces, clean air to breathe and a safe environment to grow up in. I am also a keen litter picker and believe we should all do more to keep our streets and green spaces free of rubbish. If elected as a councillor, I would aim to be a voice of reason, representing the concerns of Coventry families with an eye on the future city our children will inherit.”

The Radford ward election was postponed from 2 May due to the death of the TUSC candidate, Dave Anderson. Members of Coventry Green Party expressed their condolences to his family and friends.

Sherbourne – David Priestley

David Priestley

David Priestley was fielded as the Green Party candidate for the Sherbourne ward on 2 May 2024. He came in 3rd place with 261 votes. He stood for this ward in the 2023 local election, coming 3rd with 253 votes.

David says: “I have been a resident of Coventry since 1997 and a Green Party member since 2014. I am a non-driver and if elected, I would work to improve public transport links, alongside cycle and pedestrian routes within the city. I will aim to improve Coventry’s green spaces for the benefit of both wildlife and people. I am also keen to promote Coventry’s historic and cultural heritage.”

Tom Jewell

Tom Jewell stood as the Green Party candidate for the St Michael’s ward in the 10 October 2024 bi-election and came 5th with 5% of the votes.

Tom says: “I’ve lived in Coventry for nearly 30 years now after coming here for university. I joined the Green Party as I don’t feel the other parties pay enough attention to green issues. I’m a secondary school teacher and I’m interested in ways we can improve schools and education for future generations.”

Tom also stood for the Lower Stoke ward in the 2023 and May 2024 local elections.

Chrissie Brown stood as the Green Party candidate in the St Michael’s ward in the Coventry local election on 2 May 2024, receiving 329 votes and coming 4th.

She says, “Tired of Britain’s 2-party seesaw, I joined the Green Party, knowing that politics for future generations has to be radically different. I moved from Yorkshire in 2017 when the charity I work for moved its HQ to Coventry. I love the vibrancy and diversity of this city, its rich history and entrepreneurial spirit. My priorities for St Michael’s will be to: ensure you and your family can live and work safely and securely, close to good schools, reliable public transport, well-funded health and social services, in pleasant surroundings.”

Chrissie Brown

Upper Stoke – John Finlayson

John Finlayson

John Finlayson stood for the Green Party in the Upper Stoke ward on 2 May 2024 gaining 287 votes and coming 3rd. Our candidate for the Upper Stoke ward in the 2023 local election received 356 votes.

John says: “I moved to Coventry in 2008 when I began my studies at the University of Warwick, and now work at Westwood Business Park. My wife and I are members of a local church and enjoy participating in the cultural life of Coventry. I joined the Green Party because I believed (1) that the climate emergency was the most important issue not being taken seriously by other parties; and (2) that other parties did not go far enough to support those in need across our nation and the world. I love my work, supporting charities with technology. I also enjoy playing badminton with friends at the Xcel leisure centre and taking the boys for bike rides at Memorial and other local parks.”

As our Green Party candidate for the Earlsdon ward in the 2023 local election, John received 356 votes and came 3rd.

Wainbody – Becky Finlayson

Becky Finlayson

Becky Finlayson stood as the Green Party candidate in the Wainbody ward in this May 2024 local election. She obtained 258 votes and came 3rd. She stood as our candidate for this ward in the 2023 local election, coming 3rd with 271 votes.

Becky says, “I am passionate about social justice and addressing the Climate Emergency. As a teacher, I have seen first hand the devastating effects of Conservative policies for the public sector. I am standing for better funding for education; making Coventry greener; and protecting the NHS.”

Westwood – Jess Marshall

Jess Marshall was the Green Party candidate in the Westwood ward on 2 May 2024. She came 3rd with 342 votes.

In the 2023 local election, Jess received 243 votes coming 3rd in the Westwood ward.


Whoberley – Anne Patterson

Anne Patterson

Anne Patterson was the Green Party candidate for the Whoberley ward on 2 May 2024 local election, gaining 429 votes and coming 3rd. Anne stood for the Green Party in this ward in the 2023 local election, achieving 3rd place with 378 votes.

Anne says, “I have lived in the Whoberley area of Coventry since moving here over thirty years ago to study Occupational Therapy at Coventry University. I now work as a Team Manager for Memory Assessment and Community Dementia Services in Coventry so I am very well aware of the challenges facing the NHS and Social care. I joined the Green Party as it is the only party that truly represents my aspirations for a sustainable and just society for our planet and its people. I am actively involved in campaigning for local action to reduce carbon emissions and protect our precious green spaces. I believe having a stronger Green presence on Coventry City Council will help change things for the better in our city.”

Woodlands – Lesley Sim

Lesley Sim was the Green Party candidate in the Woodlands ward for this 2 May 2024 local election. Lesley received 216 votes and came 3rd. In the 2023 local election she received 269 votes from Woodlands voters.

Lesley says, “I understand how important nature and access to green spaces is to our wellbeing; providing space for reflection, to connect with the world, as well as a place to exercise and we will fight to protect them from inappropriate development. I appreciate that Coventry residents need to be able to travel around the city and we will advocate for a sustainable local transport revolution. I want people to be able to have viable options to enable them to travel cheaply, safely and conveniently on trains, buses, cycles and on their own feet. I also believe that we need Green voices everywhere, putting forward viewpoints to protect all people, the planet and everything that lives on it.”

Lesley Sim

Wyken – Richard Baker

Richard Baker

Richard Baker stood as the Green Party candidate for the Wyken ward on 2 May 2024, gaining 232 votes and coming 3rd.

Richard says, “I joined the Green Party out of concern at the state of the world my children are growing up in. I would like to see public services for children given a higher priority eg. youth groups, clubs and libraries. I would also like the Council to improve street cleaning, removing fly-tipped rubbish more quickly. I am a Solicitor practising locally, and a Coventry City season ticket holder.”

Our Green Party candidate in the Wyken ward in the 2023 local election came 3rd with 327 votes.

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