Needing a safe crossing on the Holbrooks/Lythalls junction

Your local Green Party representative, Stephen Gray, has been campaigning for some time for the Holbrooks Lane-Lythalls Lane-Rotherham Road junction to be prioritised for a safer pedestrian crossing. There are traffic lights, but no pedestrian timer buttons or safe refuge islands.

Thank you for signing Stephen’s petition

Stephen Gray
Stephen Gray handing in the petition signatures

Recently 152 signatures of residents in the Holbrooks Lane area were handed in to Coventry City Council, to join your many online signatures. All of you are joining us to call for a safer pedestrian crossing at this very busy junction.

What your local Green Party did

Green Party volunteers from across Coventry and beyond came to help Stephen before lockdown to collect your signatures.

The installation of a full 4-way Pelican/Toucan Crossing with islands at this junction, would make it safer for pedestrians, and would encourage parents to walk their children to school rather than taking them by car, reducing traffic, pollution and accidents.

the dangerous junction

Even Baroness Natalie Bennett, Green Party member of the House of Lords and former Party leader, helped out going door to door with us to gather your opinions and signatures.

Stephen with Nathalie and other Coventry residents

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