
Coventry Green Party

Support your local Coventry Green Party

Coventry Green Party members are hard at work all year round – delivering leaflets, writing newsletters, listening to residents and campaigning for positive change within Coventry, while canvassing for support so that we can gain a Green voice on Coventry City Council.

Sadly, it takes more than hard work to campaign effectively, and we also need cash to get our message across. We in the Green Party do not have billionaire donors or sponsors, and we are entirely dependent on our members and supporters for when we cannot avoid spending money.

donate and support us

IF you support what the Green Party stands for,
AND you are on the Electoral Register,
PLEASE consider making a financial donation.

To comply with election law, you must be on the Electoral Register which is why we need your name and address to accept money from you.

You must be on the electoral roll in Coventry to donate to us.

Your donation will help us to get our message out to the residents of Coventry.

Thank you!

If you would like to help us in a practical way, please contact us.

Donate By Crowdfunder

Thank you to all those who donated generously to our Crowdfunder page to enable us to get Greens elected to represent Coventry on 4 July 2024.
You helped us meet the target.

Donate By Bank Transfer

Ask our Treasurer for our bank details.
You can set up a regular transfer,
or make a one-off payment.

Donate By Post

Please make your cheque payable to
Coventry Green Party‘ and send it to: Coventry Green Party Treasurer
c/o The Biscuit Factory, Unit 201 A Block,
100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG. Please include your name, address
and phone number or email, in case of query.

You must be on the electoral roll in Coventry to donate to us.

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